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Port scan

22/tcp open  ssh     syn-ack ttl 64 OpenSSH 5.9p1 Debian 5ubuntu1.10 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
80/tcp open  http    syn-ack ttl 64 Apache httpd 2.2.22 ((Ubuntu))

Port 80

Homepage, none of the nav buttons appear to do anything. Pasted image 20220507080101.png

Found a username itsskv in the HTML comments Pasted image 20220507080133.png

Robots.txt has a long string Pasted image 20220507080218.png

Long string base64 decoded: Pasted image 20220507080315.png

Good Work !
Flag1: cybersploit{}

Now have some secret data and a username, tried logging in:

ssh itsskv@

Password: cybersploit{}

It worked

Pasted image 20220507142551.png

found another flag Pasted image 20220507143030.png

Pasted image 20220507143013.png


I tried to su to cybersploit user and to root using this flag as the password. That did not work.

I ran linpeas and didn't see any config issues.

The only thing that really stands out is the old linux version. Linux-exploit-suggester recommends dirtycow(fail),dirtycow2(fail), overlay-fs(pass)

Privesc with overlayfs

Using edb-37292 (CVE-2015-1328) I was able to get a root shell.

Pasted image 20220507150323.png

Pasted image 20220507150414.png

cybersploit{Z3X21CW42C4 many many congratulations !}