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Port scan

21/tcp open  ftp     syn-ack ttl 64 vsftpd 3.0.3
22/tcp open  ssh     syn-ack ttl 64 OpenSSH 7.9p1 Debian 10+deb10u1 (protocol 2.0)
80/tcp open  http    syn-ack ttl 64 Apache httpd 2.4.38 ((Debian))

Ftp allows anonymous login

Dirbuster found robots.txt on port 80 but it is not allowing me to read view the content.

There is a hint

Pasted image 20220528110607.png

I was able to bypass the restriction by forcing the User-Agent to be Googlebot

Pasted image 20220528110720.png

Now we can see the content of robots.txt

Pasted image 20220528110754.png

The /secret_information/ page has a few links that add a lang parameter to the URL.

This parameter is vulnerable to LFI

Pasted image 20220528111415.png

I am able to upload to the ftp in /pub/ which has a path of /var/ftp/pub/ on the linux server.

Pasted image 20220528120015.png

Now do the same with a reverse php shell.

This gives a shell as www-data

Pasted image 20220528120229.png

upgrade the shell

python -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'
export TERM=xterm

Found an interesting binary with SUID set /home/tom/rootshell.

Reviewing the code it looks like I can get root if it thinks I'm tom. I just need to spoof the whois command.

Fake whois with path injeciton.

echo "printf 'tom'"" > /tmp/whoami

Add /tmp to the path

export PATH=/tmp:$PATH

execute the SUID binary


Now I have a shell as tom.

Pasted image 20220528202006.png

Tom can sudo everything with no password, so becoming root is as easy as sudo su

Pasted image 20220528202031.png

I am root

Pasted image 20220528202103.png