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We found the IP using netdiscover

Port 80 - Apache

on port 80 there is a webserver running with bookstore CSE

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searchsploit found a few exploits we can try.

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Tested EDB-48960 (login bypass via SQL injection) and it works exactly as described.

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Tested EDB-49314 POC 1 which displays a SQL Syntax error. Proof that this exploit is applicable to this instance of CSE Bookstore.

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SQLmap was able to dump the db, but I haven't been albe to get a shell with it.

sqlmap -u -p 'pubid' --dbms=mariadb --dump --os-shell

Cracked the admin password

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Port 7080

run gobuster to enum port 7080

Port 8088

Dirbuster found phpinfo.php

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Dirbuster found upload.html where we were able to upload a php paypload that gave us a reverse shell as the www-data user.

Ran linpeas, which didn't find much. Looking at /etc/passwd we see the user katana has a hash in this file.


Initial access

By OSINT (cheating) we found we coudl brute force katanas ssh password. Which happened to be root

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Once on the box we found a file in /home/katana called .ssh_passwd. The contents were


We then discover the SSH password root is differenet from the linux password for katana katana12345.

Privilege Escalation finds capabilities on python

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which is exploitable with the following command:

/usr/bin/python2.7 -c 'import os; os.setuid(0); os.system("/bin/bash")'

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Found the root flag

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